在最近的计算机视觉研究中,Vision Transformer(VIT)的出现迅速彻底改变了各种建筑设计工作:VIT使用自然语言处理中发现的自我注意力实现了最新的图像分类性能,而MLP-Mixer实现了使用简单多层感知器的竞争性能。相比之下,一些研究还表明,精心重新设计的卷积神经网络(CNN)可以实现与VIT相当的先进性能,而无需诉诸这些新想法。在这种背景下,越来越多的感应偏见适合计算机视觉。在这里,我们提出了Sequencer,这是VIT的一种新颖且具有竞争力的体系结构,可为这些问题提供新的看法。与VIT不同,音序器使用LSTM而不是自我发项层模型的远程依赖性。我们还提出了二维版本的音序器模块,其中LSTM分解为垂直和水平LSTM,以增强性能。尽管它很简单,但一些实验表明,Sequencer表现出色:Sequencer2d-L,具有54m参数,​​仅在Imagenet-1K上实现了84.6%的TOP-1精度。不仅如此,我们还表明它具有良好的可传递性和在双分辨率波段上具有强大的分辨率适应性。
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在过去的十年中,CNN在电脑愿景世界中统治了至高无上,但最近,变压器一直在崛起。然而,自我关注的二次计算成本已成为实践应用中的严重问题。在没有CNN的情况下,在这种情况下已经有很多研究了,并且在这种情况下自我关注。特别地,MLP混合器是使用MLP设计的简单架构,并击中与视觉变压器相当的精度。然而,这种体系结构中唯一的归纳偏见是嵌入令牌。这叶打开了将非卷积(或非本地)电感偏差结合到架构中的可能性,因此我们使用了两个简单的想法,以便利用其捕获全局相关能力的同时将电感偏差纳入MLP混合器。一种方法是将令牌混合块垂直和水平分割。另一种方法是在一些令牌混合通道中进行空间相关性密集。通过这种方法,我们能够提高MLP混合器的准确性,同时降低其参数和计算复杂性。 RAFTMLP-S的小型模型与每个计算的参数和效率方面的基于最先进的全球MLP的模型相当。此外,我们通过利用双向插值来解决基于MLP的模型的固定输入图像分辨率的问题。我们证明这些模型可以应用于诸如物体检测的下游任务的架构的骨干。但是,它没有显着的性能,并提到了对基于全球MLP的模型的下游任务的特定MLP特定架构的需求。 pytorch版本中的源代码可用于\ url {https:/github.com/okojoalg/raft-mlp}。
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Many e-commerce marketplaces offer their users fast delivery options for free to meet the increasing needs of users, imposing an excessive burden on city logistics. Therefore, understanding e-commerce users' preference for delivery options is a key to designing logistics policies. To this end, this study designs a stated choice survey in which respondents are faced with choice tasks among different delivery options and time slots, which was completed by 4,062 users from the three major metropolitan areas in Japan. To analyze the data, mixed logit models capturing taste heterogeneity as well as flexible substitution patterns have been estimated. The model estimation results indicate that delivery attributes including fee, time, and time slot size are significant determinants of the delivery option choices. Associations between users' preferences and socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, teleworking frequency and the presence of a delivery box, were also suggested. Moreover, we analyzed two willingness-to-pay measures for delivery, namely, the value of delivery time savings (VODT) and the value of time slot shortening (VOTS), and applied a non-semiparametric approach to estimate their distributions in a data-oriented manner. Although VODT has a large heterogeneity among respondents, the estimated median VODT is 25.6 JPY/day, implying that more than half of the respondents would wait an additional day if the delivery fee were increased by only 26 JPY, that is, they do not necessarily need a fast delivery option but often request it when cheap or almost free. Moreover, VOTS was found to be low, distributed with the median of 5.0 JPY/hour; that is, users do not highly value the reduction in time slot size in monetary terms. These findings on e-commerce users' preferences can help in designing levels of service for last-mile delivery to significantly improve its efficiency.
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In recent years, various service robots have been introduced in stores as recommendation systems. Previous studies attempted to increase the influence of these robots by improving their social acceptance and trust. However, when such service robots recommend a product to customers in real environments, the effect on the customers is influenced not only by the robot itself, but also by the social influence of the surrounding people such as store clerks. Therefore, leveraging the social influence of the clerks may increase the influence of the robots on the customers. Hence, we compared the influence of robots with and without collaborative customer service between the robots and clerks in two bakery stores. The experimental results showed that collaborative customer service increased the purchase rate of the recommended bread and improved the impression regarding the robot and store experience of the customers. Because the results also showed that the workload required for the clerks to collaborate with the robot was not high, this study suggests that all stores with service robots may show high effectiveness in introducing collaborative customer service.
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We introduce \textsc{PoliteRewrite} -- a dataset for polite language rewrite which is a novel sentence rewrite task. Compared with previous text style transfer tasks that can be mostly addressed by slight token- or phrase-level edits, polite language rewrite requires deep understanding and extensive sentence-level edits over an offensive and impolite sentence to deliver the same message euphemistically and politely, which is more challenging -- not only for NLP models but also for human annotators to rewrite with effort. To alleviate the human effort for efficient annotation, we first propose a novel annotation paradigm by a collaboration of human annotators and GPT-3.5 to annotate \textsc{PoliteRewrite}. The released dataset has 10K polite sentence rewrites annotated collaboratively by GPT-3.5 and human, which can be used as gold standard for training, validation and test; and 100K high-quality polite sentence rewrites by GPT-3.5 without human review. We wish this work (The dataset (10K+100K) will be released soon) could contribute to the research on more challenging sentence rewrite, and provoke more thought in future on resource annotation paradigm with the help of the large-scaled pretrained models.
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Recent years have seen progress beyond domain-specific sound separation for speech or music towards universal sound separation for arbitrary sounds. Prior work on universal sound separation has investigated separating a target sound out of an audio mixture given a text query. Such text-queried sound separation systems provide a natural and scalable interface for specifying arbitrary target sounds. However, supervised text-queried sound separation systems require costly labeled audio-text pairs for training. Moreover, the audio provided in existing datasets is often recorded in a controlled environment, causing a considerable generalization gap to noisy audio in the wild. In this work, we aim to approach text-queried universal sound separation by using only unlabeled data. We propose to leverage the visual modality as a bridge to learn the desired audio-textual correspondence. The proposed CLIPSep model first encodes the input query into a query vector using the contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) model, and the query vector is then used to condition an audio separation model to separate out the target sound. While the model is trained on image-audio pairs extracted from unlabeled videos, at test time we can instead query the model with text inputs in a zero-shot setting, thanks to the joint language-image embedding learned by the CLIP model. Further, videos in the wild often contain off-screen sounds and background noise that may hinder the model from learning the desired audio-textual correspondence. To address this problem, we further propose an approach called noise invariant training for training a query-based sound separation model on noisy data. Experimental results show that the proposed models successfully learn text-queried universal sound separation using only noisy unlabeled videos, even achieving competitive performance against a supervised model in some settings.
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Removing reverb from reverberant music is a necessary technique to clean up audio for downstream music manipulations. Reverberation of music contains two categories, natural reverb, and artificial reverb. Artificial reverb has a wider diversity than natural reverb due to its various parameter setups and reverberation types. However, recent supervised dereverberation methods may fail because they rely on sufficiently diverse and numerous pairs of reverberant observations and retrieved data for training in order to be generalizable to unseen observations during inference. To resolve these problems, we propose an unsupervised method that can remove a general kind of artificial reverb for music without requiring pairs of data for training. The proposed method is based on diffusion models, where it initializes the unknown reverberation operator with a conventional signal processing technique and simultaneously refines the estimate with the help of diffusion models. We show through objective and perceptual evaluations that our method outperforms the current leading vocal dereverberation benchmarks.
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Mutation-based fuzzing has become one of the most common vulnerability discovery solutions over the last decade. Fuzzing can be optimized when targeting specific programs, and given that, some studies have employed online optimization methods to do it automatically, i.e., tuning fuzzers for any given program in a program-agnostic manner. However, previous studies have neither fully explored mutation schemes suitable for online optimization methods, nor online optimization methods suitable for mutation schemes. In this study, we propose an optimization framework called SLOPT that encompasses both a bandit-friendly mutation scheme and mutation-scheme-friendly bandit algorithms. The advantage of SLOPT is that it can generally be incorporated into existing fuzzers, such as AFL and Honggfuzz. As a proof of concept, we implemented SLOPT-AFL++ by integrating SLOPT into AFL++ and showed that the program-agnostic optimization delivered by SLOPT enabled SLOPT-AFL++ to achieve higher code coverage than AFL++ in all of ten real-world FuzzBench programs. Moreover, we ran SLOPT-AFL++ against several real-world programs from OSS-Fuzz and successfully identified three previously unknown vulnerabilities, even though these programs have been fuzzed by AFL++ for a considerable number of CPU days on OSS-Fuzz.
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Embodied Instruction Following (EIF) studies how mobile manipulator robots should be controlled to accomplish long-horizon tasks specified by natural language instructions. While most research on EIF are conducted in simulators, the ultimate goal of the field is to deploy the agents in real life. As such, it is important to minimize the data cost required for training an agent, to help the transition from sim to real. However, many studies only focus on the performance and overlook the data cost -- modules that require separate training on extra data are often introduced without a consideration on deployability. In this work, we propose FILM++ which extends the existing work FILM with modifications that do not require extra data. While all data-driven modules are kept constant, FILM++ more than doubles FILM's performance. Furthermore, we propose Prompter, which replaces FILM++'s semantic search module with language model prompting. Unlike FILM++'s implementation that requires training on extra sets of data, no training is needed for our prompting based implementation while achieving better or at least comparable performance. Prompter achieves 42.64% and 45.72% on the ALFRED benchmark with high-level instructions only and with step-by-step instructions, respectively, outperforming the previous state of the art by 6.57% and 10.31%.
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We propose an end-to-end music mixing style transfer system that converts the mixing style of an input multitrack to that of a reference song. This is achieved with an encoder pre-trained with a contrastive objective to extract only audio effects related information from a reference music recording. All our models are trained in a self-supervised manner from an already-processed wet multitrack dataset with an effective data preprocessing method that alleviates the data scarcity of obtaining unprocessed dry data. We analyze the proposed encoder for the disentanglement capability of audio effects and also validate its performance for mixing style transfer through both objective and subjective evaluations. From the results, we show the proposed system not only converts the mixing style of multitrack audio close to a reference but is also robust with mixture-wise style transfer upon using a music source separation model.
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